Synopsis: After being kidnapped by a super fan of cosmic proportions, Ms. Ravishing & The Hooded Dame work with other kidnapped superheroines from across the multiverse to escape their captor who loves superheroines in distress just a bit too much for their liking.

What is ‘Into The Damsel-Verse’?

Back when I was writing on Deviantart, I created this story involving other creator’s OC’s and my own. In the story, Ms. Ravishing & The Hooded Dame (along with a few others) are kidnapped by a brilliant scientist who is a big fan of superheroines in distress. Now that Ms. Ravishing has found her groove style-wise, I figured it was a good time to break out this project! I’ll be working on it throughout the next year, getting together with fellow creators and crafting a story that are bound to enjoy.

So other creator’s OC’s are going to be in?

That is correct and guess what? Yours could be too! We’re taking submissions for superheroine OC’s to be involved or to just make a little cameo appearance in the mini-series! You can submit your OC’s on our Twitter or Deviantart (links below)!

Please note that by submitting your OC, you ARE NOT giving up right to the character and are merely allowing us to use it for THIS mini series